If you want to become a topper in class 10, here are 10 important rules to follow. Everyone always wants to score the highest marks in the class or examination. Topper means you can see the topic or lessons differently. To see the lessons or Topics differently you should have a plan or idea. A crystal clear picture in your mind that you are going to become a topper in Class 10. For Syllabus and previous year question click CBSE Website here https://www.cbse.gov.in/. You have a Perfect Routine, Study Material, Proper Notes, Best Discipline, etc. What I want to say is that you want to score the highest marks in class and this is only possible when your strategy is the best one to create a history. To become a topper is not an easy task you have to maintain a well-managed study Plan. Ask 2 important questions to yourself first-
Q 1. Why do you want to become Topper?
Q 2. What is the main strong reason to become a class topper?
If you answer the above question and if you have a strong reason to become a class topper, then you move to another 3 Important questions and learn them.
How many hours should Topper study?
At least you should focus 4 hours to become a topper in class 10. here school time and tuition time not included). Self-study for -4 Hours. you have to maintain time management. Divide your study into small time frame work. Each subject should be well managed in the Time table. 4 hours self study means you have to maintain this study hour full year. you have to maintain consistency. It is very difficult to focus on 4 hour time for a long time but if you maintain this focus hour whole year, definitely you will become a topper.
Topper Study Plan?
This is the hot question, every student wants this answer. There is no shortcut to becoming a topper. you have to stay calm, Believe in yourself, Follow your daily routine, and revise the topics multiple times. Revision is very important to become a topper. underline the word REVISION.
Here are some valuable points to remember:-
Make a time Table and follow
Understand the syllabus
A perfect Topic Notes
100% Follow the Teacher Guideline
Self Motivated
Always ready to clear Chapter concepts and doubts
Maintain Healthy food
Stay Calm and focus on Goal
What are the Secrets of Topper?
Toppers do not do different things but they do things differently.
They have a strong belief system.
Topper has a daily routine and follows it.
Toppers divide the study into small Time frames.
They believe in consistency and patience.
There is no substitute for hard work
How to Become Topper in Class 10 – 10 Important Rule
If you have a burning desire to become a class topper then here are 10 Important Rules which help you become a Class topper
1.Understand the Syllabus
Understand the syllabus first, and study accordingly, Understanding the syllabus means you save energy on the right path and focus on important topics. The syllabus is very important to crack any exam. so if you want to become a topper in class 10, understand the syllabus very well, make proper notes according to the syllabus, and highlight the most important topic.
2. Make a Time Table
Topper maintains time wisely. Make an Organized timetable that you follow as a daily routine. Perfect Time allotted for each subject. More time will be allotted for difficult topics and less time for unimportant topics. It is very important how you will organize your study time. If you have a perfect Timetable and consistently it follows, you will win half a race.
3. Best Study Materials and Proper Notes
Study materials play a key role in becoming a topper in class. Best study materials and proper Notes will always be helpful for toppers. Toppers choose the best study material and make proper notes on every topic which helps in the revision of the topic. You have to handle last time’s study load. so first select the best study material, study accordingly, and Focus on Your handwritten notes. Handwritten notes you can understand more. make your Notes and revise multiple times
4. Reading and writing Habit
Toppers have a unique Reading habit, they love reading anything relevant to life. toppers’ understanding and writing level are high so that they understand every topic more clearly. when you read more, you understand more, and toppers are eager to know new things. Reading and writing habits make a perfect storyteller and develop the skill of best answer writing.
5. Set Goal
Set goal means you are always tracked by your Goal. Toppers set a goal and stick to it. Topper knows each step to follow to reach their goal. If you want to become a topper, set daily goals, weekly goals, and Monthly Goals. Always complete your goal and do smart work. if you know how to break a big syllabus into small topics and complete it daily, you are really in the way of topper’s behavior. to achieve your goal, and maintain daily, weekly, and monthly Tasks.
6. Practice More
Topper practice more, subjects like Maths and science, you need more practice. more practice helps you to solve Maths questions and science numerical. For subjects like mathematics, you need more practice and clear your concepts on how to solve examples exercise questions. believe in practice and get more marks.
7. Revision
Revision is most important factor in becoming a topper in class. complete your syllabus at the right time and revise multiple times. revision boosts your memory power so if you want to become a topper in class. mind memory has a limit, we forget things, and Revision overcomes this problem. All the Toppers believe in revision. Completing the syllabus first and revising multiple times is the most secret tool to become a topper in class.
8. Best Guideline
Take Guidelines from seniors, teachers, and Parents. Proper guideline saves you valuable energy and valuable time. Experience teachers will help you to study smart and track your mistakes. Always ask the teacher about your doubts and clear your concepts.
Stay motivated all the time
Away from distraction.
Break mobile phone addiction
Watched inspirational biography documents or Movie
9. Test Paper
Give tests regularly. The test will improve your marks also you can check your level at regular intervals of time. Give a test of each subject and analyze yourself. learn from your mistakes and regularly correct them.
10. Stay Healthy
Take a Balanced diet and proper sleep to energize your mind and body. if you are healthy you can study hard.
Avoid junk food
Eat Fresh food
Do Regular Exercise
Do Yoga practices to increase your focus
Away from TV and Entertainment Movie
The important point to focus on here is that if you want to become a topper in class, you have to strictly follow the above-mentioned rule. follow the rule that will save energy and time. A well-organized study timetable, the best Study Material, a disciplined life, Understanding the Syllabus, Testing yourself with a sample paper, focusing on the study, and Revision is the best tools to become a topper in class. Away from distraction. Do regular exercise to stay healthy. Believe in yourself. Do your best to score the highest marks in class. I hope you understood clear idea how to become topper in class 10, for more information CLICK HERE